This was an amazing weekend... Amazing until the Cowboys lost to New York that is!
Unfortunately, a new 67-million dollar contract and a year to practice did little to improve Romo's ability to play football because the same dip that dropped the snap last year showed up last night to throw into double coverage in the end zone.
Painful, that's all I can say... At least ending our season last night frees Tony up to do what seems to be really important to him right now, which is cheese for the paparazzi with that
Disappointing end to my football season aside, this was still an amazing weekend.
Brandon is back at ASU. Amie II picked him up Friday evening on her way back to ASU from where she lives in Pinehurst. While their plan to drive up together saved us a trip to Boone on Saturday, the upset to our original plans meant canceling our dinner reservations and that I would have to accomplish all of Brandon's laundry and pull all his stuff together between 5:30 when I walked in the door from work and 8PM when his ride arrived. Sure, Brandon
could have done his laundry and pulled his things together while he was home alone all day but that didn't happen...
Nevertheless, I am Super-mom with super-capacity washer and dryer so I got it done with time to spare. I did all of Brandon's laundry and then rushed him over to Costco and Target for all the necessities that we had intended to pick up on our way out of town Saturday. I have to tell you that I was kinda looking forward to the trip up to Boone... But what can I say? At nineteen, I know Brandon would much rather pile into his girlfriend's car and get up to their dorm (and the parties) early, rather than get a good night's rest and drive up with this parents on a Saturday morning. Besides, who am I to stand in the way of such fun?
So we spent Friday evening stocking up on all of Brandon's favorite munchies at Costco and then cruised over to Target for body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, razor blades and enough deodorant and hair gel to get him through another semester. Before home we stopped at the ATM for cash and then let him go... After Brandon sailed off to Boone we went out for a late dinner at Chili's. Not exactly Ruth's Chris, but it was dinner.
This is where it gets good! The last time we stayed in bed after noon was before Brandon was born. But to my happy surprise, that is
exactly what we did all day on Saturday! I woke up and got out of bed at 11AM to shower and make bagels but after that our feet didn't touch the floor again until 5 o'clock. Heaven! And, it's exactly what we both needed...
Our dinner reservation was for 6:15PM so we were forced out of bed. We made a quick stop at Marshall's so I could return a bunch of shoes I bought before Thanksgiving but never took out of the boxes - Then we were off to Greensboro.
Dinner was fantastic! Even better than the last time we went to Ruth's Chris. It was quiet, and while the service staff was all over us, dinner was slow and the food was spot-on! We each had a salad to start and the Thousand Island dressing they make there is worth telling you about. It's zingy and creamy with small pieces of egg in it - The real deal! I had the Caesar salad and it was just as good. We both had the fillet, his topped with grilled shrimp. I know sizzling butter over the steak is their shtick, but I don't care for it so I ordered mine without it. We ordered the steak fries with sun-dried tomato and garlic and a baked potato sides but really shouldn't have because the broccoli au gratin we shared was plenty.
For my birthday, Ruth's Chris invited me to desert on the house. I chose the cheesecake with fresh berries but I didn't expect to get my own whole cheesecake. Incredible, but way too much!
Any way, for someone with a mid-week birthday this year we managed to celebrate it just right on Saturday with plenty of rest and a fabulous meal. Oh, and the company wasn't too bad either!