Seems that Mrs. O'Connor is one of the Authors at this year's Carmel Authors and Ideas Festival that my dad helps to Coordinate and make happen. To learn more about the Festival and to see the list of Authors attending this year, go here.
Dad said he stayed pretty Quiet when the conversation turned to Politics over lunch because he's already Stirring things up there in the parking lot with the, "Thank you President Bush" and McCain bumper stickers I sent for his truck... CA is liberal-Land, this we all know; but Carmel-by-the-Sea, well it's on a Level all its own!
Any way, dad said that although he knows (the Great) President Reagan nominated Justice O'Connor to the Supreme Court, she's a little too Liberal for him to engage in a Political discussion with so he just Nodded his head politely, and Steered toward other topics. Nevertheless, dad said she's a very Lovely woman and looks Terrific for her almost eighty years. I told dad that he could Accept her Book for me. After all, if she's willing to dedicate a copy to Me I'll read it. Some day... Perhaps during my Retirement years. Ha! I'm a bit of a book snob and prefer Hardcover books over paperbacks so I was disappointed to hear that all they have at the Festival for authors to Sign is paperbacks. Perhaps paperback books are Greener?
I told dad he can now Check having Lunch with an Associate Justice off his To-do list... Dad said he wished he was a Dolphins fan because he ran into Don Shula earlier. I told him to Call me back if Jerry Jones or a Cowboy shows up.
My dad... Busy running the Carmel Author's Festival and just generally doing his Thing on a Friday afternoon!
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