Sunday, February 22, 2009

King Cake from Whole Foods... Why not?

We popped over to Whole Foods this evening because I wanted to pick up some Tulips like the ones I brought home to mom from the Monterey Whole Foods last week. However, I was immediately reminded again how non-Fantastic our Whole Foods is compared to the one in Monterey... Because while Monterey has a huge selection of Cut flowers to choose from, our sad little Whole Foods barely has 6 little buckets of cut flowers and not one of them had Tulips in them today. Poop! So no flowers for me... Nevertheless, we did pick up some Pitas, hummus, fruit and Cheese to nibble on for lunch tomorrow and after Sampling the King Cake, we took that home too!

the icing is just right - not too sweet. The pastry is tender
and flaky and the Cream cheese filling is perfect!
Bing's still over there in the Sink watching the water...
Let's have some King cake!
William invited Hanna over this evening... She loves to play Scrabble, which just
happens to be my Favorite game too. I knew there was a Reason I like her so much!
And, she likes Cake too! Hanna got the Charm in the slice
I cut for her! Look at William and those Dimples...
I slipped Bing a little icing and he Loved it! 

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