At the risk of sounding like Brandon in one of his, things I miss from home letters to us from Basic Training, San Carlos Cathedral (Royal Presidio Chapel) is near the Very top of my list. I miss my Church. North Carolina is great, Spring and Fall are best, blah, blah, blah, but they just don't know how to do a Catholic Church. Not like this...
a 7.2 million dollar restoration on
the Church was just completed

Monterey, California was founded on June 3, 1770 by Father Junipero Serra with the establishment of Mission de San Carlos de Borromeo at Lake El Estero within the Royal Presidio de San Carlos de Borromeo de Monterey. A military fortification, the presidio was the seat for the governor and the Spanish Colonial capital of Alta California. In 1771, the mission was moved five miles away, next to the Carmel River, and this mission church became the Royal Presidio Chapel... Known today as San Carlos Cathedral, it was completed in 1794 and marked the beginning of Spanish Colonial rule in Alta California. The first building to be designed by an architect, it is the only surviving structure that was once a military fortification and the seat of government. It is the exact location from where the city of Monterey, the first Capitol of California was born. And this is where we went to Church for years and years. And it's where I'll go to Mass with my parents tomorrow morning. Yea!

Uncovered in the restoration, the original 1794 cross

I love this Church! So warm, so Holy, so welcoming

I haven't seen a Catholic church in
North Carolina yet that offers a Candle stand!

Dad's an Usher at San Carlos, here he is with Renew, the Parish kitty
who sometimes can be Found snoozing in a pew during Mass!

Renew loves my Dad. Look how he Snuggles into him!
Now that's a Greeting, huh?

his Tag reads: Renew and has the parish
phone number - so Cute! Dad's not bad either...

Renew found a Sunny spot!

the Grotto at San Carlos

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