Let's tour Tanglewood Park!
His gardening Class toured Tanglewood arboretum last Thursday and ever since, he's
been talking about taking me back. Just like Seventeen-mile drive and Pebble Beach,
you pay to drive through. Unlike Pebble Beach, it's only $2.00 and there's no Pacific
ocean. Or sprawling mansions. Okay... So Tanglewood is nothing like Pebble Beach!
Here we are at the stables watching little kids take Riding lessons on Sunday morning...
I know Tanglewood is known for its annual Festival of Lights but I
had no idea they begin setting up for it this early in October!
Here we are at the Manor house Bed and
Breakfast Inn. Read about its history Here
It's a Charming little Inn for sure!
Inside we go...
Except for the commercial Ice maker tucked into
the wall there, it feels just like a Grand old house
On the second floor Landing it becomes clear
that someone really Committed to this wallpaper!
That's just a Spooky looking hallway!
On to our Tour... Wait! Is that a Redwood tree? Are we
at Pfeiffer Big Sur? Nope. It's just a redwood tree in NC!
And this is a Big black walnut tree! And, I better
get moving because Walnuts are falling everywhere!
Poor walnut tree was struck by Lightening so now
it is forced to wear these big straps for support
Seriously! I love this redwood tree!
What a lovely garden walk...
I'm standing under the Wisteria on the
pergola and loving these Furry seed pods!
This is the best looking Ginkgo tree I've ever seen!
The conifer garden is Nice but look at that greenhouse and cottage!
We are now officially on the Hunt for one of these... It's
a Fernspray Gold Falsecypress. And it's a Must have!
Here's another beautiful Redwood. I'm
turning into a Santa Cruz tree hugger here!
I was looking at this pretty Garden when he told me, "Shhhhh...
... you don't want to disturb the lady in the garden." Yikes!
I don't know about you, but I think that's just uber-Creepy!
There's that Cottage again!
If I baked Goodies for a living I would name my business, Sweet Crumb Cottage...
And this is what my Sweet Crumb Cottage where I baked would look like!
It's got that Hansel and Gretel look I love... Without the whole,
mean-Witch that wants to bake children in her oven thing going on!
Most people like Crape Myrtle trees for their
blooms. Not me. I like them for their bark!
Over here is the Children's garden area of the arboteum
But before we get there we'll Slip into this garden over here
Wanna step into a Banana with me? We better hurry because the plan
is to remove it from the Children's garden soon. I think that's a mistake!
Because if I think hiding in here at 40-whatever is
cool, just imagine what a Seven-year old might think!
Cute mural!
I don't much care for Pitcher plant but planted this way, I kinda do!
A great looking Covered arbor there...
Now, that's an Oak tree. The kind of oak Winnie the Pooh would live in!
The plaque reads: 1787-1987, The National Arborist Association and the International
Society of Arboriculture jointly recognize this significant tree in this Bicentennial
year as having lived here at the time of the signing of our Constitution
If only Trees could talk! The tales they would tell...
More Wisteria!
I love it. He says it's invasive and Takes over...
I say it's Worth it and I'm very glad to have it in our garden!
Okay... This is still Creepy the second time around!
This is the reason for our trip later to the Greensboro farmer's market... He
picked up one of these False Holly shrubs two weeks ago, and wants more
Full circle and back to the Manor House we've come. What a
beautiful day to wander the Arboretum at Tanglewood!
I see a Sweet little Deer nibbling acorns there, under an oak tree
And a train! I love trains almost as much as I love gardens!
No climbing? No fun! You can climb the train at Ft. Riley... And, even
the train at Dennis the Menace park in Monterey is crawling with kids
On our way out of Tanglewood park we saw kids in the trees! I really
enjoyed our tour of Tanglewood park and, especially the arboretum!
There's what we came to the Greensboro Farmer's Market to find...
Look! It's a turban squash on top of a Princess pumpkin. Too cute!
We left the Greensboro Farmer's Market loaded down with
new plants! I don't know why we didn't take his truck...
I do know one thing though... Someone has a truck to Clean up for me! Maybe
I'll tell him I plan to make him my Nachos for the Dallas-Denver game...
I pushed him to get three of these Cute little shrubs. They flush new Growth in
a pink color. They are Evergreen and they bloom all Summer. What's not to like?
We're home! Every day now the back yard Trees look a little more changed
This variegated Japanese maple was another nursery find must-have!
Take a look at how Beautiful this tree is. From the white freckles
to the Maroon stripes that run along the leaf edges - It's gorgeous!
This is the Find of the day. It's a 7-gallon Steeds Holly, and it's just what
we needed in this Spot in front of the garage next to the porch. Only $28!
Now that we're home and he's placed the Sky pencils against the fence it's
clear that I am the Winner of that polite disagreement we had while picking them
out. See, he said 3 would be enough to screen the pool corner from the driveway. But
I disagreed, saying we needed five. This just proves the Client is always right!
And, now that Mr. B's left to clean up my truck, I
guess I better make good on those Nachos. Huh?

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