Mother Nature is giving our trees the Shake down!
While I'm digging all this Autumnal bliss, Mrs. Nature is making quite
the mess! I don't do well with Disorder and mess... I crave organization!
Fortunately, my better-Half knows this about me. That's why he's on his way
down to the shed right now - To hop on his tractor and Clean up this mess for me!
Speaking of my need for organization... This cabinet in the mud room has Bothered me
since we bought the house. You see, the previous owner kept her Brooms and mops here. I
don't own a broom. That's what my Dyson does better. And I wouldn't keep my floor cleaning
system in the house. After the hardwoods are cleaned, I wash the microfiber pad and I hang
the Bona sprayer wand out in the garage. But since she didn't leave me any shelves for
this cabinet, it's been difficult to use it for anything else. I've been storing my Purse bin
on the only shelf in the cabinet and my Rollerblades on the floor of the cabinet. But that's
it. It's always felt like such an awful Waste of much needed space. So this morning before I
left for work I made a Wish for more shelves. When I got home, I found my wish was granted!
Now, these new shelves are not as pretty or Smooth as the shelves meant for these cabinets... But
I've decided not to share this Observation, (or quibble) with my Handyman. Besides, I have plenty
of clear, cushy shelf liner left over from the kitchen remodel - So I can Fix rough right up!
So what made me finally tackle this Project now? Sadly, it was a cake stand casualty
last weekend that pushed me Over the edge! You see, when I cleared the Kitchen table
to create room for the Halloween decorations, I put everything from the table into
the Pantry, which was at capacity already. So when I reached into the pantry to pull
my Dutch oven, something I put on top of it rolled off onto my Favorite cake stand,
and it cracked. Fortunately, I was able to replace it at Macy*s immediately - But
that was the Last straw... I decided to claim this space for my Pantry overflow!
Now I can reach Cake stands without breaking them. My
cookie cutter Collection, extra mixing bowl sets, platters, cake
pans, Vases, cloches... Even my extra Pizza grill and Pizza peel
fit! Now all I need is Six or ten more cabinets just like this one!

oh no a cake stand casualty! I would have cried. seriously.
ReplyDeleteI covet my cake stands. I truly love every single one of them. I have about 15 of them and they are all a necessity!
Which one did you break?
I need about 6 of these cabinets too!
I love my cake stands too - it's an addiction, for sure!
ReplyDeleteThe one I lost was Martha's largest cake stand she does for Macy*s. Fortunately, they still have them - although the stamped logo on the bottom has changed. The one that broke had Martha's blue logo - the (same) cake stands in stores now have a black logo. I'm just glad to have it back! :)
Oh... I totally just had cake stand envy!
ReplyDeleteAnd am a little *jealous of your fall... we didn't any pretty leaves in our yard. Just rain and cold and snow!