My Dutch oven collection has been mocking me! Use us, Use us, they
seem to chant from their pretty little perch in my kitchen. And, if a certain
someone had his way, I would be using my Dutch ovens every day!
But he hasn't had his way in quite a while, and for that I feel pretty bad. Just
how disconnected I've become from my kitchen hit me like a ton of bricks at
Costco on Saturday when I realized that I had no idea how much butter was in
the refrigerator. Do you know how huge that is? Huge! Because before beginning
my CLEAN journey last June, I always knew exactly how much butter was in
my house at all times! Please don't misunderstand, I love my new body, and I do
not miss butter for a second... But I have missed baking/cooking in my kitchen!
So after buying 5-pounds of butter at Costco... To add to the three pounds I forgot
was still in the refrigerator, I decided enough was enough and that it was high time I
cooked a proper dinner. Using one of my beautiful Le Creuset Dutch ovens, of course!
We celebrated Valentine's Day Saturday evening with dinner at the, Twin City Chop
I was convinced he would choose the pork chops for dinner; however, the only pork
option was a chop stuffed with goat cheese, which is not his thing. So he ordered
the filet mignon on my promise that I would prepare him my own pork dish!
If you don't already own a Le Creuset Dutch oven, go buy one today! If you do own
one or eight, like me, then you know why this is the absolutely best way to cook!
I browned the roast on all sides in hot olive oil infused with crushed garlic
After the roast was completely browned, I deglazed with white wine. By the way, if you're
like me and don't drink alcohol, these little bottles are just the right size for cooking!
of my pan, I poured in a little mixture of honey and soy
Then I placed the roast back into the pan and let the liquid come to a big boil!

After tossing in one sliced Granny Smith apple and a whole, chopped
white onion, I slipped the roast into my 400-degree oven for 3 hours...
Until it was perfectly... Perfect!
When he came in for a nibble, he said it was well worth the wait!

If you like to slice your pork roast with a fork, this is how you do it!
Speaking of how you do it... You must try this, Spoon Bread Casserole!
It, along with a baked sweet potato dotted with butter and sprinkled with
brown sugar and cinnamon completed my promised pork roast dinner!
(Please forgive me the poor quality of this
photo. It got late and I totally lost my light!)
photo. It got late and I totally lost my light!)
Remember! Le Creuset Dutch Ovens... For the way they cook!