Around here Spring kicks into gear pretty fast... Just
last Sunday the azalea behind the pool looked like this...
This morning, it looks like this!
It's always the first azalea to bloom... It confirms Spring, and it's my favorite!
Who doesn't love Purple azaleas?
Last Sunday the Japanese maple in the front yard looked like this...
Today, it looks like this!
This tree knocks my socks off all year long...
Especially in the fall, when it looks like it's on fire!
But any time during the year when it's hiding the house from
the street. It's almost as good as having a brick wall around the
house. Almost. I still think I'd like to add the brick wall though!
Oh, look... New tulips are popping out!
It's a good thing...
Because I have plenty of new vases to fill!
Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the day we arrived
to North Carolina from California to go house hunting
The day the yards looked like this...
Looking back at this photo I took of him looking over the property for the
first time, I can almost see the wheels in his mind turning! He certainly
had a vision in mind! For me... It was just the first time I'd seen a pink
dogwood tree and an azalea bush that actually bloomed. Azaleas
don't do well in Monterey... They mostly turn brown and die!
That's not a problem azaleas have here!
For seventeen years I wondered what it was about those crispy little
brown bushes that made him want to try so hard to save them!
Today I get it!
There's lots I miss about living in California. My list is very long...
However, sharing a fence with five neighbors just isn't one of them!
Gorgeous! Lucky you:)