Just before the storm rolled in this afternoon, the wind brought down a large
limb... Summer storms are just part of the adventure of not living in California!
And, downed limbs and trees are just part of the adventure of living on heavily wooded
property. And, we like it like this... Minus the trees that cause damage, of course!
After the limb came crashing down and before the heavy rain fell...
We took a little walk...
Sitting next to the pot we heard baby birds. We looked up for their nest but
we didn't see one anywhere. Then we looked down, and over. And closely...
And there... There in the pot, we found them!
Such a perfect little spot for them. See how the hosta leaf acts
like an umbrella to shade and conceal the opening of their nest?
Nature is incredible!

We're going to move on now so that their mom can come down and do her job!
Before I go I have to share with you a fantastic shop we discovered in
Mebane last weekend... It's The Elegant Relic, and I love it! I picked up
a few beautiful candles and this vintage French hanging basket. Tonight it
is hanging on the kitchen door filled with faux sunflowers I picked up at
another sweet shop we discovered yesterday in Gibsonville. But...

It may find its way onto another door. Maybe the front door. Maybe the
living room. Who knows? I'll need time to play with it. And, eventually, it'll
tell me where it needs to be. Oh, by the way... About the living room... The
decorating is finally done! Several of you e-mailed with questions about the
It took me forever to find and ironically, was shipped to me from High Point, North
Carolina before I ever knew where High Point in North Carolina was! Then we decided
to move to North Carolina and listed our home with a crook Realtor that dedicated more
time talking me out of our furniture than he did marketing/selling our house! And, on
top of his very long list of things he and his wife said they simply couldn't live without
was my brand new cocktail table. He bugged the crap out of me until I finally agreed to
sell it. But... I asked for double what I paid for it, and I told him that he and his wife
couldn't have it until AFTER he sold the house. Had I known it would be so difficult to
It took me four long years but I finally found an even better curio cocktail table
option. Really... This is a great table! I love the display drawer under the beveled
glass top. And, while the bottom drawer on my former cocktail table was a phony...

This one opens to provide plenty of much needed storage space!

As I've said... It's perfect!

And no one is ever talking me out of it!

Unless I'm able to replace it first!