Thursday, May 8, 2014

Is it Friday yet?

I realize our garden tours are usually reserved for weekends...
However, I had a dental appointment this afternoon that allowed me to arrive
home a bit early... Just as someone finished cleaning the pool and mowing
the lawns. As I looked around, it was difficult not to wish it was already Friday!
Just when I don't think Spring-time can get any prettier...
It does!
This Sunday is Mother's Day, which is why the azaleas on
the side of the house are blooming! Here, you can see they
have grown so much they're reaching around the house now!
And, look at this Japanese maple near the bird feeders... It's on fire!
And, the summer snowflake viburnum...
She's putting on quite a show! She's also full of birds...
Speaking of birds... There are two couples of bluebirds in my new birdhouse!
All of the trees are finally in so this area now looks like
a secret garden that's just steps away from our front door!
I think the man responsible for all this gorgeousness deserves
to enjoy a special appetizer out on the deck before dinner...
What do you think?
I think I'll throw something together inspired by his
gardens. Something grilled that also tastes like summer...
Something like this!
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!


  1. It is Friday now and you can sit and relax and enjoy the beauty of the garden!! I love the little secret garden too! xx

  2. Wow Janet,
    Your gardens are spectacular! Especially like the Rhody's and Snowflake Viburnum! Love your fountain and sweet sign "It all began in a garden!" Can't believe you have two pairs of Bluebirds in your beautiful new birdhouse! I have one pair nesting but in much less fancy quarters! What time are you serving appetizers tonight? I'm on the way!

  3. Yum, Janet, that looks delicious!! Do you share recipes?


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